It’s long been known that being sedentary is linked to chronic disease; with many around the world working from home and gyms temporarily closed, it’s easy for even those who previously led a very active lifestyle to slide into one much less so. Here are five ways to keep moving and stay fit, right from the comfort of your own home.
Fitness and mobile or wearable devices have gone hand-in-hand for quite some time now – with apps like LoseIt, Johnson & Johnson’s 7-Minute Workout, and countless others in both the App Store and Google Play Store, there are plenty of apps to help you manage your caloric intake, inspire you with workout routines, and more.
It can be hard to stay motivated on your own – especially if you’re accustomed to feeding off the energy that a gym or class can provide. Just because you’re removed from that environment doesn’t mean you have to disconnect. Take for instance the #pushupchallenge on Instagram; film yourself doing pushups and tag friends to challenge them and keep them moving. Get creative and start your own challenge! There’s nothing wrong with some healthy competition.
Companies like Peloton, Mirror, and now SoulCycle are ready to bring the full-body workout into your living room with their in-home equipment and subscription-based models that offer live and on-demand classes to best fit your needs. If you prefer a little more Zen with your workout, CorePower Yoga is also offering free access to their OnDemand service while their studios are closed.
Listlessness and boredom can be the doom of any fitness routine – especially if you feel your options are limited. Now is the time to try something new. Try a type of workout outside of your comfort zone; gamify your fitness with the likes of Nintendo’s Ring Fit or even Just Dance – and speaking of dance – why don’t you take a free virtual dance class? The Ballet Coach is offering live and OnDemand classes for kids and adults through her Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube channels.
Even with social distancing and shelter-in-place guidelines in effect, ducking outside for a solo run or hike is a viable solution for your fitness fix. When the weather is right, your body will thank you for the much-needed sunshine and fresh air.
Staying fit is a challenge – even more so when under stress – but by caring for your body, you’re taking steps to sure up your overall health. Here are five more ways to keep your body and mind healthy while working from home.
Originally published in March 31, 2020 by Erik Weinbrecht
This entry was posted in Lifestyles and tagged COVID-19, Health Tips, Lifestyle, List Sotheby's, Market Trend, Work from Home.
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